Aims & scope

The Wallaga University Journals (JWGU) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the main subject areas are the following:

  • Sciences;
  • Technlogy;
  • Arts;
  • Social Sciences;
  • Agriculture;
  • Food;
  • Nutrition
  • Natural Resources;
  • Medical Health;
  • Dignostics;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Language;
  • Literature;
  • Busines laws;
  • International Laws;
  • remote sensing, numerical modelling, in situ and laboratory studies of the above and including studies of the interaction of the Wallaga University Journals with the rest of the climate system.

The Wallaga University Journals has an innovative two-stage publication process which involves interactive scientific discussion of preprints and utilizes the full potential of the Internet to do the following:

  • foster scientific discussion;
  • enhance the effectiveness and transparency of scientific quality assurance;
  • enable rapid publication;
  • make scientific publications freely accessible.

In the first stage, manuscripts that pass a rapid access review by one of the editors are immediately posted preprints, on The Wallaga University Journals. They are then subject to interactive public discussion, during which the referee's comments (anonymous or attributed), additional comments by other members of the scientific community (attributed), and the author's replies are also posted alongside the preprint. In the second stage, the peer-review process is completed and, if accepted, the final revised papers are published in JWGU. To ensure publication precedence for authors, and to provide a lasting record of scientific discussion, and permanently archived, and fully citable.