In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Nelumbium speciosum


  • Anthoni Samy A Wallaga University
  • Geegi P.G Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s College



Nelumbium speciosum, Antioxidant activity, Free radicals


The present study was conducted to evaluate the antioxidant activity of medicinal plant Nelumbium speciosum. The objectives of this study are to find the presence of secondary metabolites by preliminary phytochemical investigation and FTIR analysis in the N. speciosum methanolic leaf extract. This antioxidant activity study was tested for their free radical scavenging properties using ascorbic acid as standard antioxidant. Antioxidant activity of methanolic leaf extract of N. speciosum was determined by using different methods namely DPPH radical scavenging assay, ferric reducing assay, nitric oxide radical scavenging assay, superoxide radical scavenging assay and ABTS radical scavenging assay, and its IC 50 values were found to be 33.80, 662.20, 265.55, 219.5 and 20.34µg/ml. The extracts exhibited marked dose dependent in vitro antioxidant activity.


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Author Biographies

Anthoni Samy A, Wallaga University

School of Medicine, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Geegi P.G, Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s College

Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy-620002, Tamil Nadu, India


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How to Cite

Samy A, A., & P.G, G. (2023). In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Nelumbium speciosum. Medical and Health Sciences Research Journal, 1(1), 70–75.



