Study on Seroprevalence evalence and a nd Risk Factors Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia in Southern Nation and a Nationality People ople of Ethiopia Regional State in i Amaro Special District
Seroprevalence, CBPP, Risk factors, c-ELISAAbstract
A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2014 to April 2015 In Amaro special District of SNNP region to determine the seroprevalence of Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) and to assess the potential risk factors for the occurrence of the disease. In this study a total of 400 sera were examined for the presence of specific antibodies against Mycoplasma mycoides sub species mycoides small colony type by using competitive Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Asssay (c-ELISA). The overall seroprevalence of CBPP in this study was 127/400 (31.8%). The seroprevalence of CBPP at peasant association level was 7%, 28%, 34% and 58% in Jello, Kele, Golbe and Gamule PA’s respectively. There is Statistically significant Variation (P<0.05) between seroprevalence result of the disease and peasant associations(X2 =60.95, P=0.000), body condition(X2 =10.645, P=0.005) and herd size(X2=14.972, P=0.001) were recorded. However other risk factors such as age and sex were not significantly associated (P>0.05) with the sero status of the animal. The major risk factors identified during this study were body condition and associated uncontrolled cattle movement. In conclusion the present study indicated that the overall prevalence of CBPP in SNNP region, Amaro special woreda was higher as compared to other research findings. This warrants the need to institute for appropriate preventive and control measures to stop further spread of this economically devastating disease.
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