The Shinasha Relation with other Gonga People


  • Abebe Ano Alula Wallaga University


Shinasha people, Kafa people, Sheka people


The Article deals, among other things with the traditions of origin, early patterns of expansions and the relation of Shinasha with other Gonga peoples such as Kafa, Sheka, Anfillo and others in south western peoples of Ethiopia. It attempts to show the Shinasha disintegrated from other Gonga people and dispersed to many district of Metekel and to show the historical relation of the Shinasha and Kafa, Sheka, Anfillo and other peoples in south western and north western Ethiopia region.


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Author Biography

Abebe Ano Alula, Wallaga University

Department of History and Heritage Management, College of Social Sciences, Post Box No.44, Wollega University, Gimbi, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Ano Alula, A. (2012). The Shinasha Relation with other Gonga People. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 1(3), 115–125. Retrieved from



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