Measurement of Turbid Body Optical Properties Using Attenuation of Laser Light Intensity Techniques


  • Senbeto Kena Etana Wollega University


Laser light, Fluence rate, Scattering coefficient, Absorption coefficient


The main objective of this work was to investigate the laser light interaction with highly diffusing tissue media like milk. In this work collimated transmission, fluence rate measurements and angular distribution of intensity measurements were made on three types of milks having different fat contents such as fresh cow milk (3.90%), skimmed milk (2.8%) and powdered milk and absorption coefficient


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Author Biography

Senbeto Kena Etana, Wollega University

Department of Physics, College of natural and Computational Science, Wollega University, P.O Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Kena Etana, S. K. E. (2014). Measurement of Turbid Body Optical Properties Using Attenuation of Laser Light Intensity Techniques. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(1), 53–56. Retrieved from



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