The Role of Local Customs in Sustainable Use of Forest Resources in Andode Dicho Area, Western Ethiopia

an Ethnographic Account


  • Geremew Huluka Wallaga University


Customary Institution, Abba Lagaa, Forest Resources, Self Motivated Settlement


The aim of this paper is to explore and describe the role of customary institutions in forest management among the Andode Dicho area Oromos before its dismantlement as a result of stiff competitions with spontaneous settlers in the area. The research was conducted by using qualitative research method. It employed focus group discussion in-depth interview and observation to collect primary data. A total of 15 focus groups were organized and 25 different individuals were interviewed as key informants. Before the permanent movement of Oromos from nearby highland areas and arrival of Amhara self motivated settlers to Andode Dicho area, the nearby Oromo society was managing Andode Dicho forest resources by using different customary institutions. They were also using the forest as sources of different economic and social purposes like forest honey, edible plants and animals, medicinal plants, pepper and cotton productions. But the 1980s permanent settlement of the Oromo and 1990s migration of self-motivated Amaharas to the area instigated high competition on the forest resource which gradually dismantled the local institutions that used to manage forest. Customary institutions did play some role in managing forest resources in the study area. But due to unplanned and/or self motivated migration both the forest resources and the governing customary institutions were destroyed.


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Author Biography

Geremew Huluka, Wallaga University

Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Huluka, G. (2012). The Role of Local Customs in Sustainable Use of Forest Resources in Andode Dicho Area, Western Ethiopia: an Ethnographic Account. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 1(2), 91–100. Retrieved from



Original Research

