Implementation of Improved Jigs and Fixtures in the Production of Non-Active Rotary Paddy Weeder


  • Ankitesh Shrivastava Bhilai Institute of Technology, India
  • Ajay Verma IGKV Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India


Paddy weeder, Jigs, Solid works, Mass production


Paddy weeder is a manual weeding tool and is used to control weeds in the concerned area. Presently, the manufacturing of paddy weeder employs traditional methods, i.e. production process was being executed without the implementation of jigs. Jigs are special work holding and tool guiding device. The use of jigs and fixtures is an economical way to produce a component in mass, and hence they serve as an important component for mass production system. The primary objective of this research was to increase the production by reducing operation time thus reducing the cost associated with it. The jigs and fixtures were firstly designed with the software solidworks. The implementation of improved jigs proved remarkably efficient and helped in saving 35% of the time elapsed in the production cycle, with increased worker safety and hence, proved helpful in facilitating mass production.


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Author Biographies

Ankitesh Shrivastava, Bhilai Institute of Technology, India



Ajay Verma, IGKV Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India




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How to Cite

Shrivastava, A., & Verma, A. (2014). Implementation of Improved Jigs and Fixtures in the Production of Non-Active Rotary Paddy Weeder. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(4), 152–157. Retrieved from



Original Research

