Self-Regulatory Behavior of Adolescent Students in Ethiopia –The Case of Ayer Tena High School, Kolfe Keranio Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Self-regulation, Self-regulatory behavior, Self-regulatory thoughts, Self-regulatory attitudes, Parental involvementAbstract
Self-regulatory behavior is an important personal skill that strengthens in the course of transition from childhood to adulthood. While self-regulation promotes healthy and successful transitioning to adulthood, deficiency in self-regulation would expose the growing persons to a host of undesirable behaviors including impulsivity, violence, health risky behaviors etc. The aim of this study was to examine adolescents‟ self-regulatory behavior and how it was associated with parental involvement and such other background factors as age, gender, family structure, and socio-economic status. A total of 211 secondary school adolescent students were selected as data sources. Socio-Economic Status Inventory, Self-Regulation Scale and Parental Involvement Scale were employed for data collection. Findings indicated that the level of self-regulatory behavior was significantly higher among the adolescents. The same pattern was exhibited in all the three dimensions of self-regulation. While sex and parental involvement were found to have significant relationship with self-regulatory behavior, age, socio-economic status, fathers‟ educational level, and family structure were, however, minimally correlated. Discussing the findings against a backdrop, basically of, socio-cultural reality of the study setting, further research was suggested to unveil this context of selfregulation using mixed research design.
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