Investigating the Scaling Properties of Extreme Rainfall Depth Series in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia


  • Megersa Tesfaye Wollega University
  • Solomon Seyoum Demissie Akaki Campus


Scaling Properties, Depth Duration Frequency, Rainfall Depth Series, Multiple Scaling


Depth Duration Frequency (DDF) relationships are currently constructed based on at site
frequency analysis of rainfall data separately for different durations. These relationships are
not accurate and reliable since they depend on assumptions such as distribution selection for
each duration; they require a large number of parameters, experience intensive equations
and regionalization is also very poor and coarse. In this study, scaling properties of extreme
rainfall depth series were examined to establish scaling behavior of statistical moments and
quantile estimates over different durations. The annual extreme series of precipitation
maxima for storm duration ranging from 0.5 to 24 hr observed at network of rain gauges sited
in Oromia regional state were analyzed using an approach based on moments. The analysis
investigated the statistical properties of rainfall extremes and detected that the statistics of the
rainfall extremes follows a power law relation with its duration. Moreover, the variations of the
distribution parameters with durations of annual maximum rainfall depth series were explored
and found that the logEV1, EV1 and logistic distribution parameters exhibit a power law
relationship with durations. Following the analysis, scale invariance of extreme rainfall depth
series is investigated and dissipative (multiple scaling) nature of extreme rainfall depth series
is considered, thus introducing a general distribution free framework to develop Depth
Duration frequency (DDF) model.


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Author Biographies

Megersa Tesfaye, Wollega University

Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology,
Post Box No: 395, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Solomon Seyoum Demissie, Akaki Campus

Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources, Akaki Campus, Post Box No: 150461, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Tesfaye, M., & Demissie, S. S. (2014). Investigating the Scaling Properties of Extreme Rainfall Depth Series in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(3), 122–131. Retrieved from



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