Desirable System Requirements for Employee Performance Evaluation to Establishment of Meritocracy and Continuous Improvement by using TQMPE and AHP Model


  • Hassan Rangriz University of Economic Sciences
  • Hooman Pashootanizadeh University of Economic Sciences


Performance evaluation, Meritocratic system systematic thinking, Training and development


The present work attempts to develop a multidimensional performance evaluation framework of development projects by considering all relevant measures of performance. In order to demonstrate the applicability of this performance evaluation framework, it has considered the case of private and state-owned bank projects constructed between 2010 and 2014 in Iran and collected the viewpoints of 447 respondents. The investigation of performance evaluation is one of the main issues in the human management resource (HRM) and many empirical studies have been concentrated to this field. For this purpose, the main objective of this study is to investigate the staff performance evaluation in private and state-owned banks in Iran by using on TQMPE and AHP models.


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Author Biographies

Hassan Rangriz, University of Economic Sciences

Department of Management, University of Economic Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Hooman Pashootanizadeh, University of Economic Sciences

Department of Management, University of Economic Sciences, Tehran, Iran


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How to Cite

Rangriz, H., & Pashootanizadeh, H. (2014). Desirable System Requirements for Employee Performance Evaluation to Establishment of Meritocracy and Continuous Improvement by using TQMPE and AHP Model. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(3), 185–190. Retrieved from



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