Groundwater Potential Assessment Using Electrical Resistivity Method: A Case of Hereto Sub-Catchment, Enderta Woreda, Mekelle Town, Ethiopia


  • Milat Goitom Wollega University
  • Fekadu Tamiru Wollega University



Resistivity, Dolerite, Groundwater potential, Limestone, Lithological log


Research for ground water today has become essential to obtain quality water from the bedrock. Therefore, the application of geophysics to the successful exploration of ground water in sedimentary terrain requires a proper understanding of its hydro-geological characteristics. This study was conducted to assess groundwater potential of Arato sub-catchment of Eastern Mekelle city Using Electrical Resistivity Method. Vertical Electrical Sounding was conducted at the study area within the area coverage of about 2km2 . The data obtained were interpreted by IPI2WIN, IPI-res3 computer iteration process and the geological parts were done by comparing and evaluating the interpreted VES data’s with the lithologic log from existing borehole indicating different layered formation. The geological profile sequence in the study area included the top clay soil, marly shale intercalation, highly fractured limestone, fractured limestone and dolerite. From the interpreted geological and geophysical data’s there existed low resistivity zones showed highly fractured limestone and were concluded as good groundwater aquifer zones. Also it was concluded that highly aquifer zones were identified. Lastly borehole investigations were recommended at VES 1, VES 6 and VES 9 with depth from 120 m to 130 m.


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Author Biographies

Milat Goitom, Wollega University

Wollega University Department of Earth Sciences, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Fekadu Tamiru, Wollega University

Wollega University Department of Earth Sciences, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Milat Goitom, & Fekadu Tamiru. (2019). Groundwater Potential Assessment Using Electrical Resistivity Method: A Case of Hereto Sub-Catchment, Enderta Woreda, Mekelle Town, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 8(1), 1–17.



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