Biology of Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus ( chinensis) ) and Its Management through Plant Products on Black Gram (Vigna Vigna mungo) mungo


  • Thakur AK Haramaya University
  • Mandeep Pathania Himachal Pradesh radesh Agricultural University


Black gram, Callosobruchus (Linn.), Oviposition and Development, Plant Powders a and Oils


Laboratory studies on the biology of the pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis (Linn.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on the stored black gram revealed that the insect completed six generations from April to October. Total developmental period of bruchid was 31 d days during July – August while it was 38.3 days during April – May. On an average the incubation, larval, pupal and total developmental period (egg to adult) was of 8.0, 18.39, 8.11 and 34.5 days respectively. Five plant powders viz., neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaf, black pepper (Piper nigrum L) fruit, aonla (Emblica officinalis L) fruit, five leaved chaste tree( tree(Vitex negundo L) leaf, curry leaf tree (Murraya koenigii (L.) leaf, at 50g/ kg grains and two oils, viz., mustard(Brassica juncea L) and neem n seed kernel oil used at 7.5 ml/kg grains were tested for their efficacy as grain protectants against the pulse beetle infesting black gram(Vigna Vigna mungo(L) mungo Hepper). The results revealed that black pepper fruit powder, neem oil and mustard oil caused 100 percent mortality following 7 days exposure, thereby minimizing the weight loss of seeds as a result of pest infestation at 0, 0.22 and 0.45 per cent respectively as against 38.33 percent in the untreated control.


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Author Biographies

Thakur AK, Haramaya University

School of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental En vironmental Sciences, Post Box No: 337, Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Mandeep Pathania, Himachal Pradesh radesh Agricultural University

College of Agriculture, Himachal Pradesh radesh Agricultural University, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India


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How to Cite

AK, T., & Pathania, M. (2013). Biology of Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus ( chinensis) ) and Its Management through Plant Products on Black Gram (Vigna Vigna mungo) mungo. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 2(1), 18–21. Retrieved from



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