Acceptability of Provider Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing in Pregnant Mothers Attending ANC at Nekemte Town Government Health Facilities


  • Tahir Hasen Wallaga University


Acceptability, PIHCT, Satisfaction, Nekemte


The present study was designed to determine the acceptability of PIHCT on pregnant mothers attended ANC at Nekemte government health facilities. A cross-sectional study was conducted from May 1, to June 7, 2009. Modified standardized questionnaires and in-depth interviews were used. Total 422 participants were involved, of these 274 from Nekemte hospital and 148 from Nekemte health center with 100% response rate. The mean age of the participants were 24.24 with SD of 5.02 and their age ranges were 16 to

40. The overall acceptability rate was 370(87.7%). Almost all the respondents 412(97.6%) were knowledgeable to the three cardinal ways of prevention of HIV/AIDS (i.e. Abstinence, avoiding multiple sexual partners and sharing sharps). But 151(35.8%) were knowledgeable to the three methods of HIV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, child birth & breast feeding. Three hundred ten (73.9%) of the mothers   perceived themselves not at risk of HIV/AIDS. Pre-test counseling was given for 337(79.9%) of the mothers (P=0.002). Health workers 260(61.6%) were the most common source of information. Media and religious leaders played a little role in dissemination of information. Acceptability to PIHCT in this study is remarkable. Improving participation of religious leaders and HCWs by giving continuous in-service and pre-service training, couple counseling and designing strategies on change of attitude and practice were recommended.



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Author Biography

Tahir Hasen, Wallaga University

College of Medical and Health Sciences, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Hasen, T. (2012). Acceptability of Provider Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing in Pregnant Mothers Attending ANC at Nekemte Town Government Health Facilities. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 1(3), 24–30. Retrieved from



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