Implementation of Instructional Supervision in Secondary School
Approaches, Praspects and Problems
Instructional, Supervision Clinical, Supervision Staff, Development, Curriculum Implementation, Instructional ObservationAbstract
Supervision is critical in the development of any educational program in both developed and developing countries including Ethiopia. In education, the role of educators has undergone dramatic shifts in the recent past. Many teachers, especially pupil-teachers and newly qualified teachers may not have mastered or developed sufficient skills for effective teaching; hence, there is a need for instruction in the live classroom to be supervised. This paper included and discuss different possible approaches/technique i.e. Clinical Supervision, Collegial Supervision, Self-directive supervision, Informal Supervision etc. With regards to this, it is also discussed about prospects and problems of instructional supervision in various aspects. The teachers’ perception also reflects towards implementation of instructional supervision. Teachers may perceive supervision as a worthwhile activity if supervisors give teachers security by backing their judgments even though at times a teacher’s judgment can be wrong. Teachers must feel that the supervisor is there to serve them and to help them become more effective teachers.
Indeed in secondary schools the nature of instructional supervision is constrained by the subject specialization of the supervisor. Supervisors who have been teachers of languages cannot assess the students’ performance in mathematics, nor offer teachers of mathematics the kind of professional support they need. For many teachers, supervision is a meaningless exercise that has little value other than completion of the required evaluation form performance for decision of their promotion, transfer and to stop thei increments if necessary.
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