A Oromo Oral Pun (Miliqqee)

Confusion with Oromo Idiom (Jechama) Focusing on Yadate's Miliqqee Part of 'Qorii Qorsaa', Western Oromia, Ethiopia


  • Teshome Guteta Kitessa Wallaga University




Confusion, Concealing Items, Oromo Oral Pun, Literal Meaning, Idiomatic Meaning


Puns are language arts that globally got broad attention, but in Oromo language, the researcher has found some mere collections of puns in confusion with idiom. The purpose of this study was to identify the general problems, confusion between Oromo pun and Oromo idiom, and to investigate factors for Yadate's confusion based on miliqqee part of Yadate's "Qorii Qorsaa". The nature of the study was of a qualitative and quantitative type and the data were analysed by describing the existing qualities of the puns on theoretical basis. The tools used were content analysis, questionnaire and interview. The result shows that idiomatic meanings have been used as puns, was confusion of puns with idioms. As to the analysis, the confusion occurred mainly due to lack of awareness on the nature of puns and idiom and to some extent by fixedness and using concept from cross-cultural communication. Some of the recommendations for solution are: encouraging researches and availing publications on miliqqee, and including them in Oromo language curricula beginning from lower grades.


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Author Biography

Teshome Guteta Kitessa, Wallaga University

Department of Languages Study and Literature, Institute of Languages Study and Journalism,
Wollega University, P.O. Box: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Guteta , T. (2016). A Oromo Oral Pun (Miliqqee): Confusion with Oromo Idiom (Jechama) Focusing on Yadate’s Miliqqee Part of ’Qorii Qorsaa’, Western Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 5(1), 123–130. https://doi.org/10.4314/star.v5i1.19



Original Research


Received 2023-05-12
Accepted 2023-05-24
Published 2016-03-30
