The Luba Basa Institution

The Challenge on Shinasha Identity


  • Abebe Ano Alula Wallaga University


Shinasha-Oromo, Cultural assimilation, Luba basa, Metekel


The Article deals, among other things with the traditions of origin, early patterns of expansion and settlements of Shinasha. It also explores the history and culture of the Shinasha and Oromo communities in the region of Metekel and their assimilation and inco-operation of the former by later. The paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the impact of Luba Basa institution on people and culture of the Shinasha society.


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Author Biography

Abebe Ano Alula, Wallaga University

Department of History and Heritage Management, College of Social Sciences, Wollega University, Post Box No: 44, Gimbi, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Ano Alula, A. (2012). The Luba Basa Institution: The Challenge on Shinasha Identity. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 1(2), 101–107. Retrieved from



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