Impact of Sidewalk Business Enterprise in Sustaining Urban Livelihoods in Southern Ethiopia


  • Habtamu Tolera Wallaga University


Vending, Informal, Economy, Livelihood, Strategy Urban, Poor, Hawker


The main purpose of this study has been to identify and draw attention to the situation of vendors and vendor activities in the study area. It attempted to provide a picture of the future trajectory of vending as informal economic activity. In order to achieve this objective a sample of 140 street vendors were selected and relevant data were gathered and analyzed. The findings of the study revealed a variety of vendor activities. The study also revealed that the majority of street vendors joined sidewalk business due to economic hardships in their lives and to provide sustenance for themselves and their dependent families. Vending on street provides livelihood, source of additional income and temporary employment to the urban poor and relatively cheap goods for low income group urban population.


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Author Biography

Habtamu Tolera, Wallaga University

College of Social Sciences, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Post Box No: 395, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Tolera, H. (2012). Impact of Sidewalk Business Enterprise in Sustaining Urban Livelihoods in Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 1(2), 108–116. Retrieved from



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