Mapping and Characterization of iron ore deposits in Bikilal area, West Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia


  • Aynalem Tiruneh Wollega University
  • Fekadu Tamiru Wollega University



Magnetic method, Iron Ore, Magnetic Anomaly, 2D ERT, resistivity


The ground magnetic survey and 2D electrical resistivity imaging methods were carried out to map and characterise the iron ore deposits in the Bikilal area, West Wollega Zone, Ethiopia. The magnetic data were collected using a protonprecession magnetometer and the 2D electrical resistivity imaging with the SYSCAL R1 PLUS Switch-72, respectively. The magnetic data points have a spacing of 50m along each of the five profiles. The Wenner electrode configuration was applied to collect the 2D electrical resistivity imaging data points along the same profiles. The magnetic field data were processed and analysed by Oasis Montaji software, while the electrical resistivity data were filtered, analysed, and processed by Prosys-II and RES2DINV software. The results of the magnetic analysis mapped the mineralized zones and indicated the iron ore deposits in the south-west, north-east, and central parts of the study area. The results of the ERT showed that the depth of iron ore deposits ranges from 7m to 16 m, with an average depth of 9m on the survey profiles and a thickness of 8m to 30.8m. The integrated results of magnetic and 2D resistivity methods mapped and characterised the potential occurrence of iron ore deposits as the response of high magnetic intensity and low resistivity in the study area. Finally, the depth and thickness of the iron ore deposits were delineated and mapped.


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Author Biographies

Aynalem Tiruneh , Wollega University

Department of Earth Sciences, Wollega University, Nekemte

Fekadu Tamiru, Wollega University

Department of Earth Sciences, Wollega University, Nekemte


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How to Cite

Tiruneh , A., & Tamiru, F. (2019). Mapping and Characterization of iron ore deposits in Bikilal area, West Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 8(2), 37–50.



Original Research

