Delineation of Gold mineralization zones using Induced Polarization and Magnetic Methods at Adare Green Stone Belt, Nejo, Oromia, Ethiopia


  • Hailu Getachew Wollega University
  • Fekadu Tamiru Wollega University



Gold Mineralization, 2D model, Chargeability, Resistivity, Anomalies


This study looked at potential gold mineralization in the Adere green stone belt in the Nejo district and used magnetic and induced polarization techniques to identify mineralized zones. Utilising magnetic and induced polarization techniques, thirteen profiles were examined to pinpoint the location of the gold deposit. Accordingly, the alteration zones were connected with anomalous zones of gold mineralization that had medium to high chargeability and high resistivity. The chargeability anomalies are primarily related to metallic sulphide mineralization and are induced by sulphide manifestations that suggest potential locations for gold resources. First, the tilt derivative maps, followed by the vertical derivative maps, show the various trending aspects on the analytical signal. High contact zones are visible at shallow depths. The quartz veins were intimately related to gold mineralization and are primarily located in migmatites. In general, every line section describes a high chargeability attribute. These zones may result from diffused sulphide mineralization in silicified strata; these minerals may be associated with valuable minerals found in gold occurrences. High chargeability anomalies that stretched beyond 60 m were visible in the inverted chargeability and resistivity sections.


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Author Biographies

Hailu Getachew , Wollega University

Department of Earth Sciences, Wollega University, P. O. Box: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Fekadu Tamiru, Wollega University

Department of Earth Sciences, Wollega University, P. O. Box: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Getachew , H., & Tamiru, F. (2023). Delineation of Gold mineralization zones using Induced Polarization and Magnetic Methods at Adare Green Stone Belt, Nejo, Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 12(1), 33–51.



Original Research

