Secondary School Teachers’ Classroom Assessment Practices


  • Lelisa Chala Wollega University



assessment, classroom, learning, learning assessment


Classroom assessment is a teacher habit. They evaluate students and improve their learning using various evaluation technologies. Teacher competence is crucial to activity success. Secondary instructors' classroom assessment practises were the study's main focus. Select secondary schools in East and West Wollega Administrative Zones were studied. The survey included 194 male and 103 female teachers. The data was collected via classroom assessment questionnaires by teachers. The study used percentage, mean, SD, and factorial ANOVA to analyse the significance of variables at α =.05. The study found that teachers had modest classroom assessment and weak revision methods. Traditional assessment methods were preferred by teachers. Students' grades typically incorporated non-achievement variables. Teachers with more expertise improved their classroom assessment procedures. In their years of teaching, female instructors were better at classroom assessments than male teachers. A weekly teaching load increase significantly reduced teachers' classroom assessment practice, but prior student assessment training increased it. Thus, in addition to enhancing pre-service preparation, all instructors should get ongoing classroom assessment training. Experience exchange among instructors should also be utilized to improve teaching and assessment skills.


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Author Biography

Lelisa Chala, Wollega University

College of Education and Behavioural Sciences, Wollega University, P.O. Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Chala, L. (2021). Secondary School Teachers’ Classroom Assessment Practices. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 10(1), 43–58.



Original Research

