A Review on Green Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Metal Nanoparticles


  • Lema Yadeta Wollega University
  • Asnake Lealem Wollega University




Nanoparticles, bottom-up approach, top-down approach, green synthesis, characterization, Applications


Atoms or molecules having unusual physical properties and a size between one and one hundred nanometers are called nanoparticles (NPs). Their origins, sizes, and structural arrangements allow them to be grouped into different categories.  Two approaches are utilized in the synthesis of NPs: the top-down strategy and the bottom-up procedure. The top-down size reduction method is used to make NPs by dividing the bulk material into tiny particles. Developing NPs from smaller building components is done via a bottom-up technique. To synthesize, the bottom-up method incorporates both chemical and biological procedures. The green synthesis method is among the most well-liked bottom-up approaches to NP production. Biomaterials derived from various sources are utilized, such as bacterial, fungal, algal, and plant extracts. Investigation of NPs can be carried out using state-of-the-art nano-characterization techniques such as UV-vis, AFM, TEM, SEM, XRD, and FT-IR after synthesis. Soil health and productivity were preserved for centuries to come because to nanoparticles' uses in biomedicine, antimicrobial agents, cancer treatments, catalysis, and other areas.


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Author Biographies

Lema Yadeta, Wollega University

Department of Chemistry, Wollega University, Shambu, Ethiopia

Asnake Lealem , Wollega University

Department of Chemistry, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Yadeta, L., & Lealem , A. (2023). A Review on Green Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Metal Nanoparticles. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 12(4), 129–146. https://doi.org/10.20372/star.v12i4.10



Review Article

