A Retrospective Study of Major Livestock Diseases in Wombera District, Metekel Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Region, Western Ethiopia
Wombera, veterinary clinic, cases, prevalence, infections, animalsAbstract
From July 2018 to June 2023, researchers in the Wombera district combed through medical health post and veterinary information spanning five years. To find out how diseases were spread among animals, places, and times, a descriptive frequency statistic was utilized. Eleven hundred fifty-eight cattle were evaluated during this time. The 1158 animals that have been identified thus far consist of 847 cattle (73%), 151 sheep (13%), 53 goats (4.6%), 59 equines (5.1%), and 48 chickens (4.14%). The most common problems in these animals were caused by endoparasites (33%), bacteria (29.9%), ectoparasites (16.1%), protozoa (12.4%), and viral infections (5.3%). Endoparasites(6.22%), bacterial infections(4.1%), ectoparasites(1.98%), and viral infections (1.13%), according to the prevalence of diseases in cattle. Between the two seasons, summer accounted for 406 cases (or 35% of the total) and spring for 266 cases (23%). There were fewer cases in the winter (247) and the fall (21%), and fewer animals overall. Parasitic, bacterial, protozoan, and viral diseases were the most frequently reported problems affecting cattle in the survey. That being said, we need to get down to business and make sure that the right procedures and management of animal health are in place.
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Accepted 2024-06-26
Published 2024-06-26