Effect of Green Prosopis juliflora Pods and Noug Seed (Guizotia Guizotia obissynica) ) Cake Supplementation on Digestibility and Performance of Blackhead Ogaden Sheep Fed Hay as a Basal Diet


  • Birhanu Tesema Bule Hora University
  • Getachew Animut Haramaya University
  • Mengistu Urge Haramaya University


Sheep, Digestibility, Prosopis juliflora, Noug Seedcake


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementation of ground immature Prosopis juliflora pods (PJP), noug seed cake (NSC) and their mixtures at different proportions on feed intake, digestibility, and average daily body weight gain (ADG), feed conversion efficiency (FCE), carcass parameters and economic feasibility of Blackhead Ogaden sheep. Twenty five yearling male sheep with initial BW of 13.82±0.52 kg were blocked in to five blocks based on initial BW and randomly assigned to treatments. Treatments were supplementation of 300 g DM /day of PJP and NSC at proportions of 100, 75, 50, 25, 0% PJP and 0, 25, 50, 75, 100% NSC for T1 (Treatment 1), T2 (Treatment 2), T3 (Treatment 3), T4 (Treatment 4) and T5 (Treatment 5), respectively. Digestibility and feeding trials lasted for 7 and 80 days, respectively followed by carcass evaluation. CP content was 6.2%, 15.5%, and 29.1% and NDF content was 80.9%, 46.7% and 41.3% for hay, PJP and NSC, respectively. Hay and total DM intakes were higher (p<0.05) in T4 and T5 than in T1 which was similar to T3 and T2. Intake of CP increased with increasing level of supplemental NSC. Treatment did not impact DM, OM, NDF and ADF digestibility, but CP digestibility coefficient was low for T1 than T2, T3 and T5 (p<0.05) and T4 had similar (p<0.05) CP digestibility as compared to the other treatments. Animal on T2 and T3 had greater (P<0.05) ADG but T1, T4 and T5 were similar. FCE was in the order of T3 = T2 > T1 = T4 = T5 (p<0.05). Hot carcass weight (HCW) and rib- eye muscle area (REA) were greater for T2 than T1. Based on the biological performance and partial budget analysis, combination of the two supplements in equal proportions was recommended.


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Author Biographies

Birhanu Tesema, Bule Hora University

Bule Hora University, P
Post Box No: 144, Blue Hora, Ethiopia

Getachew Animut, Haramaya University

Haramaya University, Post Box No: 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Mengistu Urge, Haramaya University

Haramaya University, Post Box No: 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Birhanu , B., Animut, G., & Urge, M. (2013). Effect of Green Prosopis juliflora Pods and Noug Seed (Guizotia Guizotia obissynica) ) Cake Supplementation on Digestibility and Performance of Blackhead Ogaden Sheep Fed Hay as a Basal Diet. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 2(2), 38–47. Retrieved from https://journals.wgu.edu.et/index.php/star/article/view/123



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