Study of Production Practices, and Productivity of f Village Chicken in n Chelliya District, Ethiopia


  • Bikila Negari Gambella University
  • Mengistu Urge Haramaya University
  • Negassi Ameha Haramaya University


Village chicken, Productivity, Marketing, Household, Ethiopia


Assessment of production and productivity of village chicken were conducted in two agro- ecology (midland, highland) and eight rural kebeles (RKs), in Chelliya district. A total of 120 households were participated in the survey. The study revealed that the primary aim of chicken rearing is for sale of live chicken (31.81%) followed by for incubation (30.7%). the overall village chicken flock size was 3.81±0.18 per household. The major supplement feed for chicken was wheat grain (59.2 %) followed by food leftover (25.8%). About 70.8% of the respondents give more supplements to layers followed by chicks (10.8%). Hens/layers got the priority highest attention because farmers believe that supplemented hens lay more eggs. About 53.3% of the households shared the same room followed by a separately constructed houses (33.3%) and separate quarter in the same roof for family (13.3%). The Parameters used for selecting breeding village chicken were plumage colors (30%), body weight (27.5%), comp type (23.3%), breed type (12.5%), and comp shape (6.7%), in that order. The major diseases reported in the study area was Newcastle disease (85 %) and 15% other diseases including Coccidosis, Fowl pox and Fowl typhoid. generally exotic breeds seems to perform better than indigenous and there is a need for improvement in production practices and productivity of the cross breeds and indigenous breeds.


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Author Biographies

Bikila Negari, Gambella University

Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gambella University, Ethiopia

Mengistu Urge, Haramaya University

School of Animal and Range Sciences, Haramaya University, Dire dewa, Ethiopia

Negassi Ameha, Haramaya University

School of Animal and Range Sciences, Haramaya University, Dire dewa, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Negari, B., Urge, M., & Ameha, N. (2015). Study of Production Practices, and Productivity of f Village Chicken in n Chelliya District, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 4(3), 117–122. Retrieved from



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