Elemental Analysis and Biological Activities of Chrysophyllum roxburghii G. Don (Sapotaceae) Leaves
Chrysophyllum, Dental caries, Agar well diffusion, Antioxidant, Pancreatic lipase, LethalityAbstract
The present study was performed to estimate elementals and to determine bioactivities namely anticariogenic, antioxidant, pancreatic lipase inhibitory and cytotoxic activity of Chrysophyllum roxburghii leaves. Elemental analysis revealed that calcium and manganese were present in high concentration among principal and trace elements respectively. Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of tannins, alkaloids and terpenoids in the extract. Total phenolic content was found to be 179.05mg Gallic acid equivalents/g of extract. The methanol extract caused a dose dependent inhibition of Streptomyces mutans isolates. All the isolates tested were found to be sensitive to extract. In DPPH assay, the extract exhibited marked dose dependent scavenging activity against DPPH free radical with an IC50 value of 3.54μg/ml. In Ferric reducing assay, the absorbance of the reaction mixture was found to increase with the concentration of extract which is suggestive of reducing power. The activity of chicken pancreatic lipase was affected by the extract and the effect was concentration dependent. Higher inhibition of enzyme (>50%) was observed at extract concentration 50mg/ml. In cytotoxic study, the lethality was found to be directly proportional to extract concentration. Highest mortality (>80%) of shrimps was observed at extract concentration 1000µg/ml. LC50 of extract was 83.04µg/ml. The bioactivities of the extract could be attributed to the presence of secondary metabolites in the plant material. The plant material could be used as a source of important elements required for the body. In suitable form, the plant could be used in the prevention and treatment of dental caries, oxidative damage,
obesity and cancer.
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