Isolation and Molecular Methods for the Identification of Fusarium solani from Solid Waste


  • Chetan DM NMAM Institute of Technology- Nitte
  • Nataraja S Kuvempu University-Shimoga
  • Krishnappa M Kuvempu University
  • Bharath BR Kuvempu University
  • Ravikumar Patil HS NMAM Institute of Technology- Nitte
  • Raghavendra HL Wallaga University


28s rDNA, BLAST, MSA, Propoxur


A major goal in microbial ecology is to link specific microbial populations to environmental processes. Solid waste degradation is an imperative aspect of environmental processes mediated by microorganisms individually or symbiotically. In the current study an attempt has been made to isolate and identify a microorganism which can degrade the hazardous xenobiotic compound propaxur commonly known as baygon from solid waste by both in vitro and in silico approaches. 28s rDNA gene has indicated the organism as Fusarium solani. Further studies were extended through bioinformatics approaches like BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) and MSA (Multiple Sequence Analysis) to determine the relative phylogeny of this organism. This approach has shed light on evolutionary relationship among the organisms taken in the study. By this approach we have identified the Fusarium solani.


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Author Biographies

Chetan DM, NMAM Institute of Technology- Nitte

Department of Biotechnology NMAM Institute of Technology- Nitte, Karnataka, India

Nataraja S, Kuvempu University-Shimoga

Department of Botany Sahyadri Science College, Kuvempu University-Shimoga,  Karnataka, India

Krishnappa M, Kuvempu University

Department of studies and research in Applied Botany, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Karnataka, India

Bharath BR, Kuvempu University

Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Jnanasahyadri, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta,
Karnataka, India

Ravikumar Patil HS, NMAM Institute of Technology- Nitte

Department of Biotechnology NMAM Institute of Technology- Nitte, Karnataka, India

Raghavendra HL, Wallaga University

College of Health and Medical Sciences, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

DM, C., S, N., M, K., BR, B., Patil HS, R., & HL, R. (2013). Isolation and Molecular Methods for the Identification of Fusarium solani from Solid Waste. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 2(1), 42–49. Retrieved from



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