Accumulation and Degradation of Thiabendazole Residues in Eggs in Administered Layer Hens


  • Mahadeva Naika1 Defence Food Research Laboratory
  • Farhath Khanum Defence Food Research Laboratory


Thiabendazole, Residues, Yolk, Albumin, Hen’s egg


Administration of thiabendazole (TBZ) to laying hens may cause accumulation of the drug residues in eggs. Twenty five week old hens (n=6) were administered with a single oral dose of 75 mg TBZ/day/layer hen for 5 consecutive days and its residues in eggs were quantified by HPLC-FD. The highest TBZ (0.4308±0.0253 ppm), below maximum residue limit (0.0886±0.0161 ppm) and below limit of detection (LOD) residue concentrations in eggs were observed on mean time of 127.54, 177.62 and 252.58 h after first feeding, respectively. The highest TBZ concentration (0.5260 ppm) and total residue on any day from 2 to 9 day in the entire egg white portion were significantly (P<0.01) higher than those in the yolk. The highest residue concentrations as well as the highest total residue in egg albumin (0.5944 ppm), yolk (0.6587 ppm) and whole egg (0.5867 ppm) were quantified. The highest TBZ concentration (0.5260 ppm) as well as total TBZ residue on any day from day 2 to day 9 in the entire white portion of egg were significantly (P<0.01) higher than those in the yolk . Egg white, yolk and whole egg from the TBZ fed hens had residues at 50.71 to 153.50, 75.62 to 153.50 and 50.71 to 153.50 h after first feeding, respectively. The highest concentration TBZ residue in whole egg is 0.4308±0.0253 ppm and cumulative residue is 8.1886±6.5385 ppm and also calculated in microgram is useful to show as per the standard values. The work indicated that safe dose and days to consume egg. Safe time/days can be reduced for consuming eggs after administration of thiabendazole by using different types of decontamination techniques.


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Author Biographies

Mahadeva Naika1, Defence Food Research Laboratory

1Applied Nutrition Division, Defence Food Research Laboratory, Siddarthanagar, Mysore-570011, India

Farhath Khanum, Defence Food Research Laboratory

Biochemistry and Nano Sciences, Defence Food Research Laboratory, Siddarthanagar, Mysore-570011, India


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How to Cite

Naika, M., & Khanum, F. (2014). Accumulation and Degradation of Thiabendazole Residues in Eggs in Administered Layer Hens. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(3), 70–74. Retrieved from



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