Carcass Yield and Quality of Pork from Pigs Fed Graded Levels of Fig (Ficus sur) Fruits Mixed with Maize Grain


  • Diriba Diba Wollega University
  • Yoseph Mekasha Haramay University
  • Mengistu Urge Haramay University
  • Adugna Tolera Haramay University
  • Mitiku Eshetu Haramay University


Carcass, Ficus sur fruits, Maize grain, Pigs, Sensory preference


Twenty growing Yorkshire piglets of 27.8±1.4kg (mean ± SD) average initial weight were used to investigate the effect of feeding different proportions of ground Ficus sur fruits (FSF) mixed with ground maize grain (MG) on carcass yield and quality attributes. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four treatments and five replications per treatment. The treatment diets were: 100% FSF and 0%MG represented as (100FSF), 67% FSF and 33% MG (67FSF), 33% FSF and 67% MG (33FSF) and 0% FSF and 100% MG (0FSF). For all treatments protein supplement (NSC+SBM) was given to provide about 18% CP to make the ration isonitrogenous. Except for the slaughter weight, which significantly (P<0.05) increased with increase in MG level in the diets, all other carcass measurements and primal cuts did not differ (P>0.05) among the treatments. However, lungs (P=0.012) and gastro intestinal tract (GIT) (P=0.001) among the viscera organs were varied. None of the quality attributes of the pork significantly differed (P>0.05) in color, taste, flavor, juiciness, tenderness and texture among the treatments. This indicates that similar quality pork can be produced by feeding FSF as those fed with MG. It is, therefore, concluded that substitution of MG with FSFs in the diets of pigs can result in comparable carcass yield and quality attributes.


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Author Biographies

Diriba Diba, Wollega University



Yoseph Mekasha, Haramay University



Mengistu Urge, Haramay University



Adugna Tolera, Haramay University



Mitiku Eshetu, Haramay University




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How to Cite

Diba, D., Mekasha, Y., Urge, M., Tolera, A., & Eshetu, M. (2014). Carcass Yield and Quality of Pork from Pigs Fed Graded Levels of Fig (Ficus sur) Fruits Mixed with Maize Grain. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(4), 71–78. Retrieved from



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