Effect of Relationship Marketing on Customer Satisfaction in the Case of in Ethiopian Banking Industry


  • Getachew Etana Wollega University
  • Zerihun Ayenew Jimma University
  • Misganu Getahun Wollega University




Trust, Communication, Commitment, Empathy, Relationship Marketing, Customer Satisfaction


This research looked at the banking sector in Ethiopia to see how relationship marketing affected customer satisfaction. In order to determine whether Relationship Marketing causes a rise in Customer Satisfaction, this study employed an explanatory research strategy. The study employed a mixed-methods strategy. The research made use of data collected from both official and unofficial sources. To choose the participants from the study's intended demographic, researchers employed both basic random selection and stratified sampling methods. Data analysis techniques included descriptive statistics and inferential procedures. In addition, SPSS -Version 25 was utilized for data analysis in the study. This study looked at the banking business in Ethiopia and showed that customer happiness is significantly impacted by three aspects of relationship marketing: commitment, transparency, and empathy. The Ethiopian financial sector also pays little attention to the trust. So, the research suggests that the bank keep up its efforts to foster commitment, openness, and empathy. Furthermore, in order to build trust among clients, it is preferable if the organization gives high consideration.


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Author Biographies

Getachew Etana , Wollega University

Research Scholar, Department of Management, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Zerihun Ayenew, Jimma University

Department of Management, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

Misganu Getahun , Wollega University

Department of Management, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Etana , G., Ayenew, Z., & Getahun , M. (2021). Effect of Relationship Marketing on Customer Satisfaction in the Case of in Ethiopian Banking Industry. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 10(4), 16–25. https://doi.org/10.20372/star.v10i4.02



Original Research

