Satisfaction with Service Delivery among Wollega University Students


  • Lelisa Chala Wollega University



Satisfaction, Service, Delivery, Service Delivery


Universities may acquire vital input from students through surveys to discover possible areas for development and ensure that services satisfy their customers’ demands sufficiently. Therefore, this study attempted to examine the level of satisfaction of students at a university with the delivery of services. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design and focused on students enrolled in different fields of study. A total of 529 pupils (316 men and 213 females) were selected randomly. A questionnaire was utilised to acquire the essential data. The study revealed that students were not happy with the provision of food and lodging and the delivery of recreational services, but they were satisfied with the library's services. There was no clear satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding education, security, or ICT services. Interestingly, there was a noticeable difference in the satisfaction levels between male and female students, with male students showing higher satisfaction. These findings suggest that it would be beneficial to review and improve the delivery of university services to ensure their sufficiency and quality and ultimately enhance student engagement and academic achievement.


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Author Biography

Lelisa Chala, Wollega University

Department of Behavioural Sciences, Wollega University, P.O. Box: 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Chala, L. (2022). Satisfaction with Service Delivery among Wollega University Students. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 11(4), 58–73.



Original Research

