A History story of Oromo Cultural Troupes (1962-1991)


  • Tesfaye Tolessa Bessa Wallaga University


Cultural troupe, Afran Qallo, Ayubi Abubakar, Oromo song


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the struggle of Oromo cultural troupes in creating consciousness among the Oromo to reconsider their lost rights. The study draws up on primary and secondary sources, which had been collected in the summer of 2008. Primary sources are securitized from archives and interviews. Informants were selected only on the basis that they had been direct participants of the events. Printed material as both primary and secondary sources are utilized with critical scrutiny. Many of these sources are indicators of the situation the Oromo had been forced to bear in those days. From the analysis of these sources, the paper is able to reveal how the Oromo troupes brought hidden grievance of the Oromo to the light under unbearable situations. It also shows how these troupes brought unstructured way of cultural resistance and rural social banditries into the modern form of organized struggle by attracting many minds of bureaucrats, military officers, students, professional groups and the business classes.


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Author Biography

Tesfaye Tolessa Bessa, Wallaga University

Department of History and Heritage Management, College of Social Sciences, Post Box No. 395,
Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Tolessa , T. (2013). A History story of Oromo Cultural Troupes (1962-1991). Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 2(1), 86–94. Retrieved from https://journals.wgu.edu.et/index.php/star/article/view/113



Original Research

