Assessment of Effects of Land Uses on Soil Quality Indicators: The Case of Gibe watershed, Western Ethiopia


  • Getahun Kitila Wollega University



Land use types, Erosion, soil properties, mono-cropping, land productivity


This study set out to assess the effects of different land-use patterns on soil quality indicators. Agricultural, pasture, and forest land use systems were all recognized. In order to acquire soil samples, we went to three different local land uses and dug down 0-20 cm. To evaluate specific soil fertility indicators, standard laboratory methods were followed. The conversion of forest area to agricultural land resulted in significant decreases in organic matter, aggregate stability, silt contents, N, P, and K. The pH, sand content, and bulk density, on the other hand, rose significantly. Soil natural resource depletion, reduced land productivity, and exposure to leaching and erosion are all consequences of water-saving methods, intensive farming, excessive grazing, monoculture, and poor soil management, according to the study's findings. Findings indicated that most of the soils tested were clays, which exhibited slow penetration rates, somewhat acidic content, and low SOC concentrations. Thus, sustainable and integrated land management is the way to go if we want to halt the decline of soil quality. This type of management is crucial to the functioning of ecosystems that can withstand the test of time since it seeks to enhance suitable land use systems.


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Author Biography

Getahun Kitila, Wollega University

Department of Soil Resource and Watershed Management, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Wollega University, Ethiopia  


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How to Cite

Kitila, G. (2022). Assessment of Effects of Land Uses on Soil Quality Indicators: The Case of Gibe watershed, Western Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 11(2), 24–36.



Original Research

