The Status of Quality Education in College of Teachers Education in West Oromia Regional State


  • Kebede Nemomsa Wollega University
  • Feyera Beyesa Wollega University



Quality Education, Quality Assurance, Quality Review, Pre-Service Teacher Education


The study analyzed the quality of instruction at Teachers Training Colleges in the western Oromia region, focusing on colleges in Jimma, Metu, Nekemte, and Shambu. A mixed methodology was used, including surveys and comparative case studies. Data was collected from curriculum specialists, college deans, instructors, laboratory technicians, and library directors. The study found that maintaining quality education requires a robust internal quality assurance system, capable staff, an excellent teaching-learning process, dedication, material and financial resources, and student interest and commitment. The study reveals that not all case study organizations have internal quality control mechanisms. Despite 60% of graduates passing the theoretical exam, those who failed the Centre of Competence Assessment went on to become teachers. The Ministry of Education (MOE) is responsible for creating and updating the curriculum, while the Teacher Training College (TTC) is required to produce modules and participate in curriculum development. Various strategies are employed to ensure quality instruction, but research conducted by faculty members is insufficient and established labs are not functioning well. The four case study schools' quality of education was significantly influenced by student quality, inadequate facilities, low staff compensation, and the commitment of the academic community


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Author Biographies

Kebede Nemomsa, Wollega University

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Feyera Beyesa, Wollega University

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Nemomsa, K., & Beyesa, F. (2023). The Status of Quality Education in College of Teachers Education in West Oromia Regional State. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 12(4), 76–95.



Original Research

