Effect of Varieties and Population of Intercropped Soybean with Maize on Yield and Yield components at Haro Sabu, Western Ethiopia
Glycine max, Intercropping, Plant populations, Sole cropping, Zea maysAbstract
The field experiment was carried out at Haro Sabu Agriculture Research Center, during 2013 with the objectives of determining the effect of varieties and population densities of soybean intercropped with maize on yield and yield components of associated crops cr and productivity of the system. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replication in factorial combination of three soybean varieties (Boshe, Ethio-Yugoslavia Ethio and Didesa) and three soybean plant populations (25%, 50% and 75%) along with respective respec sole crop of soybean varieties and maize BHQPY-545. BHQPY Plant density of the intercropped soybean varieties significantly (P<0.05) 0.05) affected number of ears per plant, thousand kernel weight and HI of maize. The higher number of ears per plant (2.30), thousand kernels weight (243.88 g) and HI (38.11%) were obtained from 25% soybean population. The highest number of ears per plant (2.31) was obtained from intercropping of maize with soybean variety Boshe. Maize grain yield was significantly ( (P<0.05) affected by the interaction of main effects. The highest maize grain yield (7.33 t ha -1 ) was obtained from the combination of 50% soybean ean population of variety Boshe. Sole cropped maize gave significantly higher number of kernels per ear, biological yield, grain yield and HI than the respective intercrop. Biological yield and grain yield of soybean were significantly (P<0.01) affected by soybean varieties. Biological iological yield (5.53t ha -1 ) and grain yield (2.20 t ha -1 ) of soybean was recorded for variety Didesa. Plant population and soybea soybean variety significantly (P<0.01) affected fected number of pod per plant. The highest number of pod per plant (50 0 and 45) was obtained from 25% soybean population and variety Boshe, respectively. Number of pod per plant also significantly ( (P<0.05) affected by cropping system. The higher grain yield (2.09t ha -1 ) was obtained from soybean population of 75%. Considering g the experimental findings intercropping of maize with 50% soybean population and Didesa Variety was recommended for the study area.
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