Feeds Availability, Nutrient Content and Utilization at Sasiga District and Uke town, East Wallaga zone, Oromia, Ethiopia


  • Mathewos Mulatu Najo District Livestock and Fishery Development Office
  • Diriba Diba Wollega University
  • Hasan Yusuf Wollega University
  • Gemeda Duguma Wollega University




Cattle production, Feed resource, Oda Gudina, Mada Jalala, Qarsa Mojo, Uke area


Feed resources, nutrient content, and livestock productivity were studied in Uke town and Sasiga district, East Wollega zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. To determine feed resources, 150 random respondents participated. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Livestock-producing areas were purposely chosen for the study. We assessed the nutritional value of key feed suppliers following identification. Researchers compared stocking rate to feed resources at research sites. Different feed suppliers have different dry matter yields. Due to their increased dry matter output, private grazing areas were managed differently than communal ones. We estimated feed availability by assessing each feed resource's DM production. Sasiga had a 5,467,345-tonne feed shortage, while Uke had -2,239.5 tones. The analysis suggests that local feed resources are insufficient to support the current livestock species. Thus, feed development, conservation, and use must be handled. This study indicated a feed deficiency, so improving feed quality is also important.


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Author Biographies

Mathewos Mulatu, Najo District Livestock and Fishery Development Office

Najo District Livestock and Fishery Development Office, West Wollega zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Diriba Diba, Wollega University

Faculty of Agriculture, Wollega University, PO Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Hasan Yusuf, Wollega University

Faculty of Agriculture, Wollega University, PO Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Gemeda Duguma, Wollega University

School of Veterinary Medicine, Wollega University, PO Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Mulatu, M., Diba, D., Yusuf, H., & Duguma, G. (2021). Feeds Availability, Nutrient Content and Utilization at Sasiga District and Uke town, East Wallaga zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 10(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.20372/star.v10i1.01



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