Practices, Opportunities and Challenges of Project - Based Learning in Developing 21st Century Competence in Teachers Education Colleges


  • Assefa Degebas Wollega University



Authenticity, College Education, Real World Learning, Project Based Learning, 21st Century skills


The study explores the effectiveness of project-based learning in developing 21st-century skills in teacher education colleges. 63 instructors with a minimum of 2-year experience were selected from two colleges using a mixed-methods approach. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews, and the results showed that project-based learning communicates better content knowledge and is more effective in fulfilling learning objectives. However, the practice of project-based learning in the sample colleges is moderate due to challenges such as lack of materials, lack of teacher training, and lack of student participation. The study concluded that intellectual challenge, authenticity, and empowerment are essential elements of project-based learning, encouraging students to be creative and innovative. College leaders should facilitate teacher training and provide necessary materials, while instructors should be committed to encouraging students to practice project-based learning based on their environment.


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Author Biography

Assefa Degebas, Wollega University

Department of Behavioural Science, Wollega University, P.O. Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Degebas, A. (2021). Practices, Opportunities and Challenges of Project - Based Learning in Developing 21st Century Competence in Teachers Education Colleges. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 10(4), 52–69.



Original Research

