Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Leadership Competence in Ethiopian Higher Education


  • Assefa Degebas Wollega University




Educational Leaders, Emotional Intelligence, Higher Education, Leadership Competence


The major objective of this study was to examine the extent of the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership competence in Ethiopian higher education using a correlational design. To examine these phenomena, seven universities were randomly selected by the cluster area sampling technique. After the data was collected using 360-degree self and observer rating questionnaires, factor analysis was made to validate the instrument, and correlation and multiple regression analyses were used to compute the result. A significant positive correlation was found between leadership competence and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence also significantly predicted leadership competence, as reported by academic leaders after controlling demographic and personality variables. Thus, it was concluded that this study helps to understand the contribution of emotional intelligence to leadership competence for higher education academic leaders and staff. These findings imply that higher education officials and leaders identify and recognize the emotional intelligence qualities that are expected of them in leading their staff. Besides, it helps to promote training to develop complete and holistic future leaders in higher education.


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Author Biography

Assefa Degebas , Wollega University

Department of Behavioural Sciences, College of Education and Behavioural Science, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Degebas , A. (2023). Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Leadership Competence in Ethiopian Higher Education. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 12(3), 75–93. https://doi.org/10.20372/star.v12i3.06



Original Research

