Adaptation Strategies of Coffee Producers towards the Negative Impacts of Climate Change in Western Ethiopia: A Review
Adaptation strategies, Climate change,, Coffee producers, LivelihoodAbstract
Coffee production is one of the most important agricultural sectors in the world including Ethiopia. However, climate change is the most adverse challenge of the 21st century. In terms of this, the inevitableness of the changing climate is progressively accepted by scientists and the public around the world. The effect of climate change and variability is adversely affecting coffee production in Ethiopia, particularly in the western part of the country. But, no or less study has been conducted concerning the issue of climate change adaptation strategies on coffee production and its implication for rural household food security. Therefore, this paper aims to review the effects of climate change on coffee production and livelihood in Western Ethiopia. The review result confirmed that coffee producers in western Ethiopia have been battling climate change impacts by implementing several adaptive strategies. Coffee shade management, irrigation of coffee farms, weeding and mulching, pruning of old aged and less productive coffee plants, and raising and planting seedlings of drought tolerant coffee ecotypes are some of the strategies that the coffee producers implemented to fight the negative impact of climate change on coffee production and productivity. Hence, to tackle the adverse effects of climate change and promote farmers’ best practices, conserving the existing wild Arabica coffee genotypes and their evolutionary potential present in the country is critically important for maintaining coffee yield, pests and disease resistance, drought tolerant, quality and other important traits in the future coffee breeding program is crucial.
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Accepted 2023-09-24
Published 2023-09-30