Analyzing Urban Centers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change Using Livelihood Vulnerability Index and IPCC Framework Model in Southwest Ethiopia
Adaptive Capacity, Climate Change, Exposure, Sensitivity, Livelihood vulnerabilityAbstract
This research examines the state of climate change vulnerability on urban households’ using the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and LVI-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approach using 17 components in the four urban centers of southwest Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study design was employed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. A semi-structured questionnaire for 384 households, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and field observation were used in Jimma, Bedelle, Bonga and Sokorru. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 21, R version 4.31, ArcGIS 10.2 Origion 2019 and MS-Excel 2016. The results showed that the four urban centers were vulnerable to climate disasters due to the increment of temperature, flooding, and landslides. The majority (60%) of the respondents disclosed that emergency support was not provided during the occurrence of climate-related extreme events. The results revealed that the four urban centers household communities experienced distinct degrees of climate vulnerability spatially and temporally due to differences in their exposure, sensitivity. The results of the urban households’ livelihood vulnerability index analysis showed that all urban centers were found to be vulnerable with the least at Jimma (0.40) and the highest observed at Sokorru (0.44). While the LVI-IPCC index value implied the least at Bedelle (0.01), the highest was observed at Sokorru (0.09) due to lower income, infrastructure, and adaptive capacity. This calls for policy interventions that improve the community’s adaptive capacity through local level resilience-building adaptation strategies that curb the vulnerability of urban centers to climate change variability and extremes.
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Accepted 2024-04-27
Published 2024-04-30