Potential Contribution of Root and Tuber Crops to Food and Nutrition Security in Ethiopia
Root and Tuber Crops Utilization
Food and nutrition security, Nutritional value, Production,, Root and tuber cropsAbstract
Root and tuber crops (RTCs), including Ensete, sweet potato, taro, cassava, yams, and anchote function as important staples in different regions of Ethiopia. In the north and central Ethiopia, these crops are secondary staples, whereas in the southern and south-western regions, they constitute a significant portion of daily dietary intake. Moreover, these crops act as insurance crops against crop failure to bridge the food deficit periods due to their agronomic and nutritional advantages, especially for the most vulnerable households. Despite their significant role in addressing food insecurity, research and policy focus to RTCs is lacking in the country. Urgent policy attention and investment are needed to improve yields, postharvest handling practices, and the integration of these crops in wider food systems in Ethiopia. Excellent opportunities exist to expand the potential of these crops for increased food and nutrition security in the country. This review aims to highlight the potential contribution of RTCs in solving the problem of food and nutrition insecurity in Ethiopia. How the crops can fit the four dimensions (availability of food, access to food, utilization, and stability) of food security and three determinants (access to adequate food, care and feeding practices, sanitation, and health) of nutrition security have been shown.
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Accepted 2025-01-02
Published 2024-12-31