Barley Production Trend, Breeding Efforts, Achievements and Constraints: The case of Ethiopia
Disease, Genetic erosion, Landraces, Lodging, Pest resistanceAbstract
Barley is a dependable crop for subsistence farmers mainly for food security, income, and animal feeds. The presence of large genetic resources of barley in Ethiopia gives better prospects for barley genetic improvement. Recently global production and productivity (>3.0 t ha-1) of barley showed fluctuation while in Ethiopia it indicated a steady increase. An increment in average productivity (~2.5t ha-1) in Ethiopia was partly attributed to the contribution of barley breeding in the variety development of several improved barley varieties across different agroecologies. Despite there are enormous opportunities for barley production in Ethiopia, the yield is still low as compared to the world average due to major production constraints such as the low genetic potential of varieties, genetic erosion, foliar diseases, shoot fly insects, and lodging which were not adequately reported. Therefore, improving understanding of barley production trends, past breeding efforts and achievements may be useful for future progress. The efficient utilization of genetic resources, availability of high-yielding potential barley varieties with a broad spectrum of resistance to pests, and lodging resistance adaptable to the different agroecologies of Ethiopia would play a crucial role in sustainable barley production and productivity. Thus, the objective of this review paper was to discuss Ethiopian barley genetic resources, barley production trends, breeding efforts, achievements, and constraints.
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