Structural Studies of BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Material Prepared by Green Chemistry (Sol-gel) Method


  • Dejene Tesfaye Shiferaw Wollega University
  • Sreenu Kasam Wollega University
  • Senbeto Kena Wollega University
  • Kebede Legesse Wollega University


BaTiO3, Ferroelectric, Sol-gel


Nano particle Barium Titanate (BT) is the first ferroelectric ceramics and a good nominee for a variety of applications from large family of Perovskite. In this study BaTiO3 was synthesised by using Sol-gel (green chemistry) method. It is environmental friendly method and has a significant influence on the structure and properties of BT. XRD patterns were indexed on the basis of tetragonal-BaTiO3 phase. The microstructure of the samples was investigated by using Scanning electron microscope (SEM). The grain size range was 90 nm for the dried gel powder for the powder calcined at ≈ 1150°C. Infrared (IR) spectrum was recorded at room temperature. The absorption peak observed at 545 cm-1 found to be BT characterization peak.


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Author Biographies

Dejene Tesfaye Shiferaw, Wollega University



Sreenu Kasam, Wollega University



Senbeto Kena , Wollega University



Kebede Legesse, Wollega University




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How to Cite

Dejene Tesfaye Shiferaw, D. T., Kasam, S., Kena , S., & Legesse, K. (2014). Structural Studies of BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Material Prepared by Green Chemistry (Sol-gel) Method. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 3(4), 89–92. Retrieved from



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