Analysis of impedance properties of (1-x) Ba(Zr0.15Ti0.85)O3-xCaO solid solution system


  • Kebede Legesse Wollega University



Structure, Impedance property, Barium zirconium titanate, calcium oxide


In order to differentiate between imaginary and real electrical factors, researchers employ ac impedance methods to examine material qualities. To learn about the structural and impedance properties of (1-x) Ba (Zr0.15 Ti0.85) O3 - xCaO ceramics, a solid-state reaction technique was used to generate them with a composition of x=0.175. This sample was made utilizing the two-step sintering process with chemical-grade oxides and carbonate precursors (99.0-99.9%) such CaO, ZrO2, BaCO3, and TiO2. Impedance spectroscopy, an X-ray diffractometer, and the Archimedes density metre were used to characterize the synthesized samples of (1 x)Ba (Zr0.15Ti0.85) O3 xCaO. At this specific composition, the x-ray diffraction patterns showed that the crystal structure of the (1-x) Ba (Zr0.15Ti0.85)O3 - xCaO exhibited tetragonal symmetry, with a lattice constant of 6.12Aˎ and a c-value of 7.23A˚. At a steady temperature, the actual impedance drops dramatically with frequency until it shows no change at all as the frequency increases. At 180439.55 Hz, the imaginary impedance peaks. Based on the combined analysis of structural, density, and impedance properties, the (1-x) Ba(Zr0.15Ti0.85)O3-xCaO solid solution system is expected to be a new candidate electro ceramic material, according to important facts about the system.


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Author Biography

Kebede Legesse , Wollega University

Department of Physics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wollega University, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Legesse , K. (2023). Analysis of impedance properties of (1-x) Ba(Zr0.15Ti0.85)O3-xCaO solid solution system. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 12(4), 52–57.



Original Research

