Effect of High-Pressure Processing on Nutritional Composition, Microbial Safety, Shelf Life and Sensory Properties of Perishable Food Products: A Review
High pressure processing, microbial safety, Perishable products, Sensory propertiesAbstract
Many fresh and perishable food products offer optimal nutritional value. However, the products are easily spoiled within a short period due to high water and nutrient content. To overcome the problems, high-pressure processing (HPP) is one of the available emerging nonthermal technologies to inactivate the microbial load, maintain nutritional composition, sensory acceptability, and extend the shelf life of perishable food products. Therefore, the objective of this review was to assess the literature regarding the potential of HPP on the preservation of nutritional values, microbial safety, and sensory properties of perishable food products. The reviewed papers highlighted that the application of HPP from 400 to 600 MPa maintains sensory properties, low microbial count, and extended shelf life of products such as fruits and vegetables. Moreover, treatments of HPP from 100 to 400MPa are effective to preserving perishable animal products such as meat, fish, milk, cheese, and yoghurt through the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, maintaining sensory properties, and increasing shelf life. The review showed that HPP effects on the shelf life, acceptability, safety, and nutritional values of perishable food products.
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